The Priesthood of God

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These pages are about the priesthood, and my testimony of it. I know that the priesthood has been restored to the earth. This may surprise some, who may not know that a great apostasy occurred. During this time (the dark ages), gospel truths did not enlighten the mind of man, for he had rejected and killed the prophets, and apostles. The apostasy is a subject I will have to treat later. For now, it is enough for me to say that there has been a restoration.

This is a representation
of an old time prophet.
I found this image at

The priesthood is better defined today, by telling you what it is not. The priesthood is not an honor a man can take unto himself, or earn with a college degree.

The priesthood is God's authority, it is eternal in nature, without beginning of days, or end of years, just as God is eternal. God grants a portion of this authority to his servants to perform His work here on the earth. This work includes the authority to baptize, and perform other sacred ordinances. To obtain this authority, a righteous man must be called of God, and ordained by the laying on of hands, by one having proper authority as was Aaron of old.

It was given to Adam by the Lord Himself in the Garden of Eden. It has been had among men such as Seth, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek, Abraham, Moses, and other prophets.

It has been know throughout the ages as the priesthood after the order of the Son of God. In the church today it is referred to as the Melchizedek priesthood after the great high priest Melchizedek (to whom Abraham paid tithes). This is out of reverence for the sacred name of the Son of God, to prevent too frequent use of His holy name.

I have been gathering data for this priesthood lineage project for a long time. This school project has given me a chance to try to put it all together.

I have held the priesthood since being ordained to the Aaronic priesthood at age 12. This is a name given to the lesser priesthood, or priesthood of Aaron. I have held the offices of Deacon, Teacher, and Priest in this priesthood. This is the same priesthood held by John the Baptist, and the authority by which Jesus was baptized of him in the waters of Jordan.

At age 21, my father conferred the  Melchizedek priesthood upon me and ordained me to the office of Elder in that priesthood. I have since been ordained a High Priest in this priesthood. I speak on the subject from my own knowledge.

I hope that you find the content of these pages interesting. If you would like to know more on the subject of the priesthood of God, priesthood authority, or the modern day restoration of this authority, please feel free to email me.


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