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This projects requirements gave me the idea to create animated gifs of all the modern day prophets. I also tried to do one with images representing ancient prophets.

Modern prophets.

I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. This testimony comes from reading the Book of Mormon which he translated by the gift and power of God. If you would like a free copy of the Book of Mormon please feel free to ask me. I encourage you to read, and pray about the Book of Mormon, and the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ brought about through the instrumentality of the prophet Joseph Smith.

He received the keys of the priesthood from Peter, James, and John who visited him as resurrected beings, and by the laying on of hands conferred the priesthood on him. These keys have been held by the prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ever since. They will never again be taken from the earth, until they are returned to Jesus Christ when he comes in power and great glory as promised.

These are the prophets who 
         hold the keys to the kingdom in these days Joseph Smith 1805-1844
Brigham Young 1801-1877
John Taylor 1808-1887
Wilford Woodruff 1807-1898
Lorenzo Snow 1814-1901
Joseph F. Smith 1838-1918
Heber J. Grant 1856-1945
George Albert Smith 1870-1951
David O. Mckay 1873-1970
Joseph Fielding Smith 1876-1972
Harold B. Lee 1899-1973
Spencer W. Kimball 1895-1985
Ezra Taft Benson 1899-1994
Howard W. Hunter 1907-1995
Gordon B. Hinkley 1910-

Ancient prophets.

Surely the Lord God will do nothing except he revealeth His secret to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). God has always worked through prophets. His work continues today. God has not ceased to reveal his will to his servants the prophets. Do not suppose that God can not or will not continue his work among the children of men. He loves us as much today, as in ages past.

The images below are designed to get you to think about the records of the prophets (scriptures) you have read in your life. Did you know that more scripture exist than what has been compiled in the bible (a collection of ancient scriptures). When prophets speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, their words become scripture.

The Book of Mormon is an ancient scriptural record of the visit and teaching of the Savior Jesus Christ to the people of the American continent shortly after Christ resurrection and ascension to heaven in Jerusalem.

The Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) are the revelations given to Joseph Smith in our time by the voice of the Lord.

Abinadi and the wicked King Noah
Adam and Eve
Jesus Calls Disciples
Captain Moroni
Isaiah prophesies of Christ
Jacobs sons
John the Baptist
John baptizing Jesus
King Benjamin
Christ ordaining His Apostles
Alma baptizing at the waters of Mormon
Lehi in Jerusalem

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